When the new heaven and earth shall own,The Prince of Peace their king,And all the world repeat the songWhich now the angels sing.
Ruth's Blog
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Joining the Song - Advent 4
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Beneath Angel Wings - Advent 3
Saturday, 7 December 2024
With Peaceful Wings Unfurled - Advent 2
When I was serving as President of the Methodist Conference, The Vice-President and I led a service for the beginning of the year in Methodist Church House, London. Most of those present were members of the Connexional Team who work so hard to support the work of the Methodist Church. I had chosen to use the image of a butterfly to illustrate change, hope and fulfilment of potential. One of the team, sourced a video clip of a butterfly emerging from the cocoon. We watched as the bedraggled creature was warmed by the sun and then spread its wings and flew.
My daughter introduced me to the writing of Angela Carter. In “Nights at the Circus” Angela Carter describes a young woman who conceals beneath her clothing the wings budding from her shoulder blades. They are a cause of discomfort until one night she is encouraged to jump from the safety of the roof and spread her wings. She discovers the freedom and joy of flight, a symbol of her freedom to be herself.
The wings of a bird or butterfly may look beautiful when furled but they only fulfil their purpose when they are unfurled and the bird or butterfly flies.
The second verse of the carol “It came upon the midnight clear” from which the Methodist Church in Britain has taken the theme of the Christmas campaign this year, begins with the words:
Still through the cloven skies they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
The angels hover but, even when hovering, wings are not passive. Hovering wings move very fast. You can see this on the clip of a hummingbird hovering which you will find here. The peaceful wings of the angels are not still as they hover over the sad and lowly plains, they are working hard. Peace-making is hard work. If we really want to see peace on earth, it is not enough to be still and to wait for it, we have to work for it. We have to challenge injustice, we have to give our time, we have to care actively, and we may well face opposition.
The angels of Christmas have unfurled their peaceful wings and, if we hush our noise and listen to their song, we will be challenged to unfurl ours.
Ruth M Gee 241206
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Angels bending near the earth - Advent 1
It came upon the midnight clear,that glorious song of old,from Angels bending near the earthto touch their harps of gold.
Sunday, 2 April 2023
Palm Sunday - It wasn't the colt that made me wonder
It wasn’t the colt that made me wonder, not even the way they came into the village and just took it for him to ride. I was surprised how easily Jacob let it go but he had met the preacher before and perhaps they had an arrangement. It was a beautiful young animal but there are plenty of them around. It wasn’t the colt.
And it wasn’t the singing and the shouting of Hosanna! That was exciting and stimulating, it always is when the pilgrims arrive, so full of hope and enthusiasm. We all want freedom from occupation, freedom from fear and uncertainty, freedom to be fully the people the Lord has created us to be – we all sing and shout.
It wasn’t the size of the crowd that made me wonder, or the heavy military presence or the anger of the religious leaders at all the enthusiasm.
What made me wonder were the green leaves waved and laid down as a thick living carpet marking the way to the temple. Pilgrims often wave the branches of palm and olive as they sing, but to lay them down like that and so many of them; to place the symbols of spring and of new life and hope under his feet - that made me wonder. Was this a celebration of life or was the trampling of the leaves a sign of death? Was his journey through the crushed and trampled leaves the way that new life and hope would come as we shouted Hosanna! Was our God going to save us through death and bring us new life?
How could that be true?
I wonder...
Lord, as we lay down our palms and follow you into Jerusalem, bring us with you through death to life we pray.
Saturday, 8 January 2022
Epiphany Prayer
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Bow down before him, his glory proclaim.
Glorious and gracious God we bow before you now,
Creating, redeeming and calling God we worship you,
You are our God and through your grace we are your people,
You have called us by name and we are yours.
With gold of obedience and incense of lowliness,
Kneel and adore him: the Lord is his name.
Lord, your overflowing love fills the universe,
In love you have come among us, sharing our humanity,
Calling us to love one another as you love us.
Jesus, Son of God, Saviour,
We adore you
Holy Spirit, God among us,
Comfort and disturb us.
Help us to respond in obedience and humility,
Help us to glimpse the glory of God with us,
And to proclaim it through our actions and our words
That others may come to worship and adore.
Glorious and gracious God
Father, Son and Spirit,
We worship and adore you.
Inspired by “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” John Samuel Bewley Monsell (1811-1875) STF 34
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