Saturday, 21 December 2024

Joining the Song - Advent 4

Ice cream angels - made by young people in Llangollen Methodist Church

The angels hover, they bend - their peaceful wings unfurled, and they sing. They sing a song of promise and of peace. They sing a song of hope. They sing a love song.

Will we listen? Will we respond to the challenge to unfurl our wings and work for justice and peace? 

The world is weary, sad and lonely for so many.
In the news this week we have heard of cruelty inflicted on a child and the manipulation and abuse of a woman. We have heard of uncertainty in Syria and continuing warfare and violence in so many places. We have been reminded of the plight of the homeless on cold winter streets and the hunger of children in our wealthy nations.

Will we hear the Angels’ song and unfurl our wings for action?

The final verse of “It came upon the midnight clear” is full of hope. The hope that the promises of God, proclaimed by the prophets will be fulfilled and we will know the time foretold,
When the new heaven and earth shall own,
The Prince of Peace their king,
And all the world repeat the song
Which now the angels sing.

This vision of a world united in singing a song of peace, hope and love seems far distant, and in many ways it is. 

However, our hope is not only for a distant utopia. Our hope is grounded in the present certainty that God is with us, that Jesus, the Prince of Peace is Emmanuel (God with us).
As we light the final candle in our Advent ring and then light the centre candle on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we proclaim that the promise has been fulfilled and we rejoice.

Making that promise the reality for the whole world is God’s work in which we are called to take part.

Will we unfurl our wings?

Nativity scene from Bolivia

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