Sunday, 10 August 2014

Thoughts from a mountain lake

It is such a beautiful place, this mountain lake. The day was hot and sunny and I could see the tops of the mountains. Walking on the shaded path I could see children, women and men swimming, sunbathing and enjoying time together. sailing boats, motor boats and pedaloes floated past. Some of the motor boats were towing passengers on water skis or suspended in the air above. All was idyllic.
I was with my husband and son and we were enjoying a holiday together, walking, visiting new and interesting places and sharing lots of laughter.

I found myself thinking about the water, the beautiful, clear alpine water - and thanking God for it. Water that is abundant and freely available for recreation and for drinking. Water in which children were playing freely and without fear. Water in beautiful and peaceful surroundings.

And then I thought of people on mountains around Sinjar, fleeing from persecution, and dying of thirst. I thought of people in Gaza with no access to water. I thought of people in many other parts of the world who have been and continue to be devastated by drought.

"The Lord is my shepherd...
he leads me beside still waters"

Dear God, let it be so.

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